Dr. Terri Bechtel-Greenberg is the former owner, founder, and clinical director of Bechtel Physical Therapy in Los Angeles, California. She sold BPT to four of her staff therapists in the Summer of 2023 and now runs a boutique concierge practice in her new hometown of Henderson, Nevada (20 minutes from the Las Vegas strip). Terri has treated patients of all ages and has worked with all manner of professional and amateur athletes and A-list entertainment industry elites. (More details about Terri’s practice and her extensive CV can be found at BPTNV.com.)
Terri is well versed in all aspects of manual orthopedic physical therapy and utilizes many cutting edge techniques and modalities in her practice. NeuroKinetic Therapy is one of the sharpest arrows in her clinical quiver and she uses it with all her patients. In fact, she is obsessed with NKT and studies it constantly. Terri is proud to be the first Physical Therapist to be the lead instructor of NKT Level 1 seminars specifically for Physical Therapists, Assistants, and students. Before her move, Terri ran the Southern California Level 1, 2, and 3 study groups and is now doing the same in Nevada. Terri also assists Level 1, 2, and 3 weekend NKT seminars taught by NKT’s creator David Weinstock.
Dr. Bechtel-Greenberg can be reached by email (terri@bptnv.com) or text (at 818.404.3690).